New! Second in a series of Little Art Books!
Key Steps for Transforming the Landscape is the second in a growing series of Little Art Books by Joyce Hicks. This one focuses on important concepts that must be considered if your wish is to transform ordinary landscape scenes into beautiful paintings. It highlights the artists national and international workshop teachings and is the perfect companion guide to her workshops. Two step-by-step demonstrations of popular paintings are included as well as a blank page for personal note taking on each forward facing page. The size is intentionally small (4.5 x 5.5) so that it can fit easily into a bag with other art supplies. It’s a cute one-of-a-kind Little Art Book packed with lots of information straight from the artist. Printed on glossy stock for brilliant color with a clear vinyl cover to protect it from accidental drips and splatters.
Collect all the Little Art Books for a unique artist-inspired reference library and watch for new titles as they are released . I don’t think you’ll be disappointed, but a full money-back guarantee is always an option.
Contents include:
- artist bio
- equipment and supplies
- finding inspiration
- define your visual response
- define your emotional response
- paint what you love
- transform your idea with imagination
- 4 ways to transform a scene
- expressive color
- luminous darks
- color temperature
- green in the landscape
- beautiful organic greens
- demo one
- demo two